- Parent Roles & Expectations
- Iron Horse Dojo is not run by employees but by our passionate volunteers. We will always provide you with our best, but please be patient when requesting information or any other services. We will always attempt to get you an answer as soon as possible. At Iron Horse Dojo, you are not a customer you are part of our Dojo Family. As a member of our family, we have some standards that we expect everyone to follow to the best of their ability.
- Please make every effort to arrive at the dojo 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time for class. This will allow students to change their clothes and prepare themselves to begin learning.
- If your child is not feeling well please do not bring them to class. We want all our students at their best when training.
- Please do not ask when your child will be testing for a new rank. Our highly qualified instructors evaluate students regularly and we will notify you when your child is ready to test.
- Encourage direct communication. If your child is having difficulty with a skill(s), encourage him or her to speak directly to the instructors.
- We encourage all parents to remain at the dojo during their child’s class. We want you to be your child’s biggest fan, but please allow our instructors to do the teaching.
- Please feel free to ask one of our instructors what your child can be working on at home to improve their confidence and skills.
- We ask that everyone respect our instructors and students during training by remaining quiet. If siblings are unable to quietly sit in the training area we ask that they sit with an adult in our lobby.
- Please silence cell phones in the training area. Should you need to take a call we simply ask you to take your call to the lobby or outside.
- Although we are in a commercial space, this is a traditional dojo, not a business. Therefore, we have no customers here, only students and supportive parents.